I had a little tea party
This afternoon at three.
Twas very small,
Three guests in all,
Just I, Myself and Me.
Myself ate up the sandwiches.
I drank up the tea.
Twas also I who ate the pie,
And passed the cake to me.
I made this second tea cozy using the Bernina Circular Tool.
I didn't have a pattern , so I just measured the length and height of my teapot , then made a guestimate. I knew I wanted a big sunshine on the blue polka dot , so I used a bright yellow cotton to accent the blue , cut a square large enough for the sun, and attached the tool to the freearm of my machine. You almost don't need to look at the directions. You stick the center of your fabric through the pin, put the plastic top on it so you don't stick yourself, and choose a decorative stitch. IT SEWS IN CIRCLES! Perfect little circles. It reminds you of using a compass like you did in Jr. High.
After I had done my sun, and cut it to the size I wanted, I attached it to the blue usinig a little blanket stitch. I used pieces of rick-rack for the rays of the sun, and decided to let them go wild and not attach the ends. My cloud is a biece of batting. Now I was ready to cut out the cozy.
I just drew the shape out on tissue paper, folding it in half so it would at least be symmetrical. I cut two blue polka dots, two bright yellow linings, 2 layers of Insul-Brite, 2 layers of Warm and Natural batting. You layer the insulated Insul-Brite on the bottom (it will be closest to your warm object), then a layer of batting, then the blue polka dot on top. I basted the layers together because they were so bulky, then sewed the two sandwiches right sides together, leaving the bottom open. I put a little piece of yellow and white ribbon inbetween the layers. Now sew the lining, right sides together leaving about 2 inches open to turn it, and stuff it inside the cozy, right sides together because you haven't turned your cozy yet.
Stitch the circle around the bottoms of the cozy and lining, pull the lining out and turn it through your opening. I stitched in the ditch after pressing the cozy on my ham, and left a half inch trim along the bottom.
I fancied up my napkins a bit by lining them, monogramming, top stitching and addig some baby rick-rack.
Time for a tea party!