Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
~Jean Anouilh
Sarah had a t-shirt that she has long outgrown, but many times in the last few months it has seemed to reappear on my visits to Birmingham. Her "present" t-shirt, as she called it, was soft and comfy, so as I was choosing a design for her Christmas t-shirt, a "present" seemed the only choice.
My second little gift t-shirt was made for little Miss Amelia, whose Mamie has been under the weather and just hasn't felt much like sewing this Christmas season. While Mamie chose colors and fabrics, I ran the machine and we sewed up skirt to match.
It is so much more fun to sew with your good friend sitting in a chair beside you !
So Mamie and Goggie drove to visit sweet family and deliver the Christmas attire yesterday. I sure hope it fits!
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