~George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, 1860
I want to show you Mae's version of the little "Ruthie" pattern. It is in the softest pink with a black background. This dress has a shorter yoke that gives it a little younger appearance. Mae will also appreciate a shorter sleeve.
I like the way the pattern instructs you to do the rick rack trim around the sleeve. You finish the edge of the sleeve; they recommend serger but I just used my overlock 2A foot which is so much easier than dragging out the serger. Then place the rick rack on top of the sleeve at exactly a quarter inch above the edge of the sleeve, and keep it in place with tiny dots of fabric glue. I have discovered the only way for me to be successful with rick rack is to dot glue, and then stitch it down using my # 10 foot. After you stitch it down, turn it under and just half of the rick rack is visible giving it a pretty look. Then do a topstitch along the edge of the sleeve. I use the #10 foot, bump it over two spaces, and let the blade ride along the edge of the sleeve. Here is the sleeve before the topstitch.
Now I am on to Katelyn's dress and a special request for blue!
LOVE the dress over jeans!