Katelyn and I spent the morning getting her new blue towels ready for her freshly painted bathroom. Her sweet Sniffy joined us at the sewing machine and she did a great job of pushing the button

and then counting the eight stitches before we clipped the tail. We experimented with some really easy appliques using Sarah's drapery fabrics, and Rachel will have to tell us how they look after several washings, but I just clipped some flowers, loosely zigzaged the pink one and simply straight stitched around the smaller one before we embroidered them. The monogram is in a soft green using the Curlz font.

This last towel shows something new for me, too. I have had the varigated thread in pastels for a couple of years, and decided to try it on an initial. The colors were a little strong for the blue, but the overall effect was kind of cute, so I might try it again. The thread must not be as strong as my usual Isacord because it broke several times while I was stitching.
Of course I think my girls are surely exceptional, but it amazes me that Katelyn, who is 3, and Issa, who is 5, have the patience to sit on the stool or my lap for hours and watch the needle go up and down! They help pull stabelizer and solvy, pick up straight pins (I am so afraid one will find a tiny foot), and toss stray pieces of scraps in the trash can. I surely wouldn't have thought we would spend the morning sewing together at these ages!
Our final task was to do some minor surgery on her pale pink Bear, who had developed an unfortunate rip between his legs. She talked to him before the dreaded repair, told him that it would only hurt a little bit, like a shot, and then he would feel lots better. She reported that he did in fact cry (I didn't see the tears) but that he liked his new hot pink and black stitches!
