Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I took a blog vacation, but after spending some time looking through the past few years with my sewing and my girls, I decided I loved having this little keepsake to look back to from time to time. They are growing so fast, now they are all loving little girls, no babies or toddlers. My dress sewing time is limited I can see, but there is an entire world of fun projects to make after that!
This past Christmas I knew they would want something a little more grown up. I had decided on dark blue or navy when the American Girl catalog hit my mailbox. On the front of the catalog was a sequined dress, with some netting and taffeta trim. It was a little too frou frou for my taste, so I decided to tone it down a little. I found a pretty blue taffeta from Gail K. on Cheshire Bridge Road, and they had a bolt of sequin fabric that I could use for the sash. I did some quick figuring and purchased both. I had in mind silk, but after looking at the price per yard times 4, I knew that was not going to be.
I used Children's Corner LOUISE for the dress; I had to make some pattern alterations for the largest size, but it seemed to come out fine. I worried about the sash and sequins, but after trying a few different things, my dual feed on by wonderful Bernina 780 and a Titanium needle worked like a charm.