You don't understand anything
until you learn it more than one way.
~Marvin Minsky
I am always ready to take a class, and since I am doing a little teaching, I thought it would be good to have this Martha Pullen certification under my belt as I teach Beginning Sewing Techniques. There are so many ways to do most anything that I make; I wanted to explore the simplest way so I could be a better teacher for my potential little students. I am enjoying being a part of a group of sewists from all over the country.
cramp in the time that I devote to sewing for 4 sweet little girlies, but most of the projects look really fun.
I finished my first project, a simple A-line skirt. It was simple to make, and it did have a different technique for the inside facing. Since I made the skirt in a size to fit Mandy, and she will not have to worry about a "muffin top" folding over the skirt, I used the method to face to inside with grosgrain ribbon instead of a self facing. It gives it a pretty look when the skirt is opened, and was quick and easy to do.
And WooHoo! This is an online class!
So project number one is completed and posted on the Blackboard site for the class, and I have 7 more to go. YIKES. I have to get stitching!