On manners of style, swim with the current,
on matters of principle, stand like a rock.
~ Thomas Jefferson
This little dress from Olive Ann seemed to be the perfect pattern for Miss Mae, and I got a huge smile when I showed her the pattern and the fabric. I wanted to do a pink/navy combination, but after rummaging through my stash I decided to go with the crisp navy and white, polka dot and chevron.
The pattern gives the option of a fully lined dress or a lining for the bodice, and I decided the just do the half lining. When I put the polka dot behind the chevron, though, the navy was clearly visible on the white portion of the chevron. I used a fusible woven interfacing on the bodice polka dot and that solved that little problem.
On the right is a photo of the front of the dress with the ruffle attached to the hem, and with the plain straps. I thought it was really cute like this, and as I slipped it over her head for approval,....her response..."Bibi, can you put another ruffle up here?" pointing to the neckline. As tedious as the durned ruffle was to fool with, how could I say NO to that?
And I almost forgot to mention matching the chevrons. Yikes! It is absolutely necessary to do, and it is somewhat of a pain. This dress was easier than most because of the simplicity, but I carefully laid it out, getting both pieces as close to the same spot on the chevron as possible, and then matching the stripes at the quarter inch seam.
You know that I have a love affair with the Ruffler foot, #86, but this ruffle is gathered down the middle and finished on both sides. Durn it! So after cutting the ruffle to the correct length, I got the #68 foot, and finished both long sides of the ruffle. I guided it carefully with with my left hand, held my mouth just right, and after a little practice I had long lengths of ruffle with nice little double folded hems.
I attached the ruffle to the neckline and straps, and I have to admit it is cute on her. Mae Mae tickles me with her little poses in the dress, but she is very happy with it! Her mommy posted this picture on Facebook.