May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
~Irish Blessing
Presenting....Bibi Sews very own version of the Glamour Magazine Do's and Don't shots! TA DA!
DO |
The lovely, lanky model in the DO shot is sporting a t shirt that fits, with the pocket placed in just the right
The unfortunate looking, portly model in the DON'T shot wears a 3 sizes too small t shirt with a rather awkward looking pocket!
I admit, I made this project more difficult that it needed to be.
1. Next time I will embroider the fabric and then cut out the pocket; even with 2 layers of stablilzer my stitching pulled the pocket inward, and many steam presses later it still retained a funny shape.
2. I will check and recheck the placement before I stitch the pocket to the t-shirt. I was able to remove the offending pocket by carefully cutting out the stitches, but it was VERY annoying.
3. I will be more aware of the placement of the bottom line of chevron and the point of the pocket.
Nevertheless, it was a nice Saturday morning in my sewing room, with sweet Issa on my old Bernina 200 sewing away on her little doll quilt, while I struggled and muttered obscenities in the background.