This project is dear to my heart. Tiny Claire Christine was born on Valentine's Day and lives in the Northeast. I don't know Claire or her parents, and I have not seen her grandparents for many, many years, but as a transplanted teenager in Tuscaloosa Alabama, their friendship helped shape me to the person I am today. Beverage, Bauer,and Bethard. We were all in the same homeroom at Tuscaloosa High and it was Bill's invitation to Forest Lake Methodist Church and MYF that led me to a faith that has guided and sustained me through the years. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. Bill's mother directed my wedding. Both their mothers served as mentors, strong role models and friends to me. It was the internet that helped us connect after so many years.
The little linen bib is embroidered in soft pastels from the Martha's Minis CD. The design is tiny, and I have learned that a good pair of curved scissors to clip jump threads is essential. It is also easier for me to clip the jump threads as the design stitches...when designs are tiny getting the threads while still in the hoop, with good light is so much easier. Claire's little schnauzer Fizzie is on the Arizona Red burp cloth. Claire bear came from a Husquavarna Viking CD and is embellished with a polka dot fabric.
Welcome to the world, sweet baby Claire!