I have a feeling she is going to grow up to be as beautiful as her mommy, with a heart to match.
Friday, October 29, 2010
The better to see you with my dear...
How cute is Little Red Riding Hood? It's a McCalls pattern and it went together pretty quickly. I had the hood completed before I thought of the eyelet, so I had to take the seam ripper out and do it again. I spend more than my share of time with do overs. The pinafore in the pattern was pretty involved so I just gathered a width of white fabric to a wide polka dot ribbon and then added a rectangle edged in eyelet as the bodice. It was quick and easy and Issa looked pretty precious.
Here is sweet Issa with her "I am really nervous but I will pretend I am having a good time" smile. (I have one of Brent on Santa's knee with the very same smile)
I have a feeling she is going to grow up to be as beautiful as her mommy, with a heart to match.
The IHM teachers show their sense of humor in their Halloween costumes!
I have a feeling she is going to grow up to be as beautiful as her mommy, with a heart to match.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Snips and Snails
My days are filled with tiaras, Mardi Gras beads, Fancy Nancy stories and nail polish in rainbow colors. So I was thrilled to be able to finally make a gift for a little boy! We chose a toy soldier and baseball/cap/glove from the Martha's Mini's CD; black lettering and primary colors in the ribbons completed the burp cloths.
We may not have little boys in this family now, but I am guessing that my 4 little girls will give any young man a run for his money on the softball or soccer field in years to come!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I strive for Excellence, Perfection is God's business.
I knew in my heart that I should not take out the tape measure, but I did it anyway. I normally "eyeball" where I should place my monogram, but in an effort to do it PERFECTLY (my first mistake) I thought I had better measure, draw a line with the trusty blue marker, and make sure that my monogram was even. See Red towel Number 1.
I hated it. The T is floating way too high, and I just couldn't bear to give it to Linda. Not having another fall towel, I took out a white one and used the Empire font, eyeballed the placement, and was perfectly happy with the result. See White towel, Number 2.
I gave Linda her gift, but being cursed with practical streak, could not throw away the red one, so I gave it to her with apologies. I should have used it here in the sewing room instead to dust a little. Now she will have to tilt her head ever so slightly to the right whenever she looks at her red towel hanging in her kitchen. Thankfully winter is not too far off and it will go in the box with the pumpkins, silk leaves, and scarecrows!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Happy Birthday to Hannah!
This bag came from a package of totes that has been hanging around in my sewing room for far too long. Little Hannah is having a birthday, and it will be filled with bubble bath and toiletries, Hello Kitty treasures, art supplies, or whatever strikes our fancy when we are out shopping. A word to the wise-- The canvas bags are from Michael's and came 4 to a package, and I did not notice until too late, but the handles are some kind of plastic. The ribbon went on fine using my trusty #5 edge foot, but look out when you press it!
Today I am in my sewing room with Sadie at my feet, the sun shining in the window, Yo Yo Ma playing his cello softly, and once again, life is very very good!
Today I am in my sewing room with Sadie at my feet, the sun shining in the window, Yo Yo Ma playing his cello softly, and once again, life is very very good!
Sometimes I feel like I just am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I have been monogramming for several years, and not at all enjoying the step of removing the stabelizer from behind the monogram.
I have also been looking at this little tool hanging on the pegboard above my sewing machine. TODAY I happened to think, "Gee, maybe that will help rip the stabelizer out from behind the monogram without worrying so much about ripping...hmm." Well, guess what? It worked like a charm. Quick and easy. I bought it to turn collars, but both ends of this tool helped in the process. I hope Susan enjoys her dish towel! NO, better than that, I hope TOM might enjoy using this dish towel!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ghost feet
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sew News

There is a cute article on a project I can do with my girls, some little gifts made of felt. Now I probably won't be making my own jeans from start to finish, but hopefully it will provide me some new ideas and inspiration when I need it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Final Day in Nashville

My last day, Saturday, was spent making 2 skirts taught by Trisha. Now here is another talented woman. You would think at first glance that the first skirt would be a quick project, but she took so much time with us, giving us great ideas for details to improve our sewing. I learned to cut down my linings so they don't bunch up inside the garment, and lots of tips that I will put to good use as I continue to sew for my little girls.
The rest of the day was spent on a really nice lunch, and then learning how to do the patchwork on the skirt. Both are from the same pattern. The fabrics for the lavender skirt are a combination of corduroys and cottons, with ric rac and bias trims for accents. Again, her workmanship is impeccable. In fact, on my first skirt, Trisha had pointed out an improvement I could make on it, but I at first declined and said I would "do that on the next one". But after looking at her work all morning I couldn't help but being dissatisfied with what I had done, sooo, out with the seam ripper! Now my lining fits inside the skirt like a glove! Trisha also suggested that we get creative and use up various scraps in our sewing rooms to design our own patchwork projects. These little skirts take a very little bit of fabric.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Day 2 in Nashville

I slowed down sewing considerably on Friday afternoon, so this dress will be completed at home. I'll miss my new sewing buddies as I finish it up!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What Fun!

This dress began as the Lillian pattern, but Lezette added bias bands to the neck, armholes and down the front and back. I had thought making corduroy bias strips would be a nightmare, but with her step by step guidance it was almost easy! We used a Sewline glue stick on the bias tape after we finger pressed it, and then attached it to the front and back of the dress with the gluestick before we top stitched. Quick and easy...no pins.
The bias bands on the arms and neck were done much the same way, but Lezette minimizes wrinkles by cutting the bias strip about a 1/4 inch shorter than the measured armhole opening, then stretching the band to fit.
The sewing was fun and the chili lunch was delicious, but the best part was the new friends from Ohio, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee. We are all brought together by a shared love of sewing; mothers, grandmothers, aunts, an unbelievably young almost great grandmother, and a godmother. I know we were all trying to visualize our special little girls and the smiles on their faces wearing a snazzy new dress!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Frost is on the punkin...
This little pumpkin dress was made for my daughter Mandy about 30 years ago. The smocking needed some repair, but other than that it was in surprisingly good shape. The fabric is a little pilled on the front of the skirt, but not so much that it is noticeable. I just remember how I struggled with the piping on the peter pan collar. It was a Little Elegance pattern, and I still have a box full of them. The proportions of today's yoke dresses seem to be a little different; this dress is cut fairly wide, but I think the look is still fresh enough for Issa to enjoy this fall!
I made so many little dresses back in the late 70's, and it is quite by accident that I have this one. I lent this and a Christmas dress to a neighbor who took good care and saved them in the back of a closet. What a nice surprise to have them recently handed over the back fence! I just wish I had done a blog 30 years ago so that I could better remember all of my little dresses and the sweet little girl who wore them! 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This brings up a question that Debbie M. and I have been bouncing back and forth. Does the sewing bug bite every other generation? I don't think I ever saw my mother hold a needle, but a sweet neighbor and my grandmother taught me to knit, crochet and hem a slip. (and yes, it had to look pretty even after I pointed out to her that no one but I would see it) Another factor is that a Bibi has much more time to help little fingers snip and sew than a busy mother does. Regardless of the reason, I am absolutely ecstatic that I will have a companion in my sewing room for years to come!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Bibi knits?
Well, not really, but something in the cool fall air just makes me want to make something warm, and a sweater is not quite in my skill set. I bought the yarn in Ohio a few years ago, knowing I would be visiting Aunt Marge in the nursing home. I couldn't bear the thought of sitting and doing nothing for the weekend, and I was passing a yarn shop in Salem. But the project got stuck in the top of the closet, almost forgotten. I pulled it out earlier this week, and went to Kathleen for help in getting started on a scarf. I decided to knit in some small beads, (I have done 3 already but you can't see them) and hopefully since I am posting this I will actually finish it! I made one last winter that was not quite a success...it is in browns and greys and hangs around my neck down to my knees. It is actually kind of depressing. I am hoping this color and the little bit of sparkle will be the incentive to complete it and wear it, maybe even this winter!

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